Oklahoma, CASA for Children, Inc.

Skyler and Dayton: A Family Made Whole

Monday, Feb 5, 2024

Brother and sister hugging on the couch.


Skyler (10) and Dayton (7) were entering a whole new world; new homes, new families, new schools, new everything. Removed from their mother due to her overwhelming drug addiction, Skyler and Dayton were cut off from their previous life and found themselves in the midst of the unknown, separated from everything they knew and surrounded by strangers in the foster care system. 


Their solitude wouldn't last forever. Within a matter of a few months of the two entering foster care, a Judge appointed a CASA volunteer, Erica, to represent Skyler and Dayton. Erica would serve as their voice. Someone they could rely on and trust to advocate for their well-being during their stay in foster care. 


Life in foster care was tough for the children. Separated from each other, they often felt alone. Their behaviors made things difficult for the families they were living with, leading to frequent relocations and moves for both children. Skyler lived in seven different homes throughout her time in care, and Dayton lived in four. Having the constant of a CASA volunteer was life changing for them both. 


Erica worked closely with the kid’s mother, Alice, throughout her two year journey to sobriety. Initially Alice was hesitant abut seeking assistance. She showed no signs of making efforts to reconcile with her children and was on the verge of losing her parental rights. Then something inside of her changed. Alice loved her children and resolved that she would do anything she could to get them back. Through hard work and commitment, Alice was successful. The family is now reunited and thriving as a unit. 


Erica describes the turnaround and reunification as incredible, saying “This family made some of the most drastic changes I have ever seen. I didn’t think we would be where we are. Mom worked incredibly hard to get her kids back. I am so proud of her. Skyler and Dayton continue to work through their trauma and behaviors and have seen great success in their recovery.”


Bridging the divide between foster care and reunification can be both challenging and rewarding. More CASA volunteers, like Erica, are needed to advocate for children who enter the child welfare system to help ensure they have the best opportunity to thrive. Will you help? 


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