Oklahoma, CASA for Children, Inc.

Creating Lasting Memories: Best Friends Day

Best Friends Day

June 8, 2024

Volunteering together is a great way to bond with your best friend while making a difference in your community. And what better way to celebrate National Best Friends Day than by volunteering with your bestie? CASA for Children offers a unique opportunity for you and your friend to volunteer together. Not only will you be making a difference in a child’s life, but you will als

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Have a Heart. Volunteer with CASA!

Have a heart. Volunteer with CASA

June 4, 2024

Applications for CASA for Children’s July training session are now open. Even with more than 50 volunteers available, there are still children awaiting a CASA volunteer. These children need caring, compassionate adult volunteers to give them a voice. No previous experience or training is required. Volunteers must be able to provide 10-12 hours of service per month and must be at least 21 years of

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The Laker Family - Home Again

The Laker Family - Home Again

May 28, 2024

With three kids, two-and-a-half years of service, and one CASA volunteer, the Laker family was reunited. It wasn't a quick or easy process, but it was ultimately a happy ending for the children and their mom. An infant, a 9-year-old, and an 11-year-old were removed from their parents due to substance abuse by their mother and domestic violence by their father. Their mother was admitted to a l

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Kevin's Story: A Placed Called Home

Kevin's Story: A Placed Called Home

May 8, 2024

When Kevin was just five years old, he moved into a foster home from the home of his biological mother. Kevin's mother had a long history of substance abuse and domestic violence issues and her ability to care for Kevin was severely compromised. To regain custody of Kevin, she began a rehabilitation program, but her progress was slow. Also addicted to drugs and alcohol, Kevin'

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National Foster Care Month: Making a Difference

National Foster Care Month: Making a Difference

May 6, 2024

During National Foster Care Month, there are numerous ways communities can get involved and support the mission of CASA. Here are a few ideas to consider: Host Informational Events Organize events that offer insight into the foster care system and the role of CASA volunteers. These events can provide valuable information to prospective volunteers and encourage community members to get involved

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Better Together: Prevention Month 2024

Better Together: Prevention Month 2024

April 30, 2024

Maybe you are newly aware of the issues children in foster care face, or maybe you are already a member of the CASA community. Regardless of your role, we all have an important part to play in the lives of these vulnerable children. What will you do to go from awareness to action?

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Maddie: A New Life

Maddie A New Life

March 1, 2024

To the naked eye three-year-old Maddie* looks like your average toddler. She is happy, healthy, and full of life. But Maddie’s story is anything but average. Maddie was born into a life of chaos. At just six-months-old, she was admitted to the hospital with a broken arm, clavicle bone, and multiple facial bruises. Seeing the significant abuse she had endured, the courts quickly intervened and r

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Skyler and Dayton: A Family Made Whole

A Family Made Whole

February 5, 2024

Skyler (10) and Dayton (7) were entering a whole new world; new homes, new families, new schools, new everything. Removed from their mother due to her overwhelming drug addiction, Skyler and Dayton found themselves separated from everything they knew and surrounded by strangers in the foster care system. Read more about Skyler and Dayton and how CASA helped to change their story.

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Alex and Michael: Changing Together

Story of Hope: A Family Made Whole

May 4, 2021

For most children, summertime is a time of celebration. A time to relax and recover from the previous year and to prepare for the next. This was not the case for Alex* (13) and Michael* (7). With just a few weeks left in their summer vacation, Alex and Michael’s lives were changed when they were removed from their home and placed into the Oklahoma Child Welfare System. 

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Out of Darkness and Into Hope

Out of Darkness and Into Hope: A Story of Reunification

May 4, 2020

As Amy sat on the couch, preparing herself for her final court date, she couldn’t help but think about how far she had come. Had it really only been two years since DHS came into her life and removed her daughter, Keely, from her home? To Amy, it felt like forever. 

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Crow's Story: A Family Made Whole

Crow's Story

January 15, 2019

It was a hot July night when 5-year-old Crow woke up to find his mom gone. Tired, thirsty, hungry, and unsure of how to care for himself he went out in search of food and comfort. Read more to find out how Crow's CASA volunteer helped to change his path.

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